Title: “The Web Weaver”
Logline: In the shadows of the digital world, a website designer encounters a sinister reality where code and curses intertwine, threatening to unravel the very fabric of the virtual and real worlds.
Act 1: The Project Unveiled
- Setting: Basingstoke, UK.
- Protagonist: Alex, a talented but underappreciated website designer.
- Inciting Incident: Alex is hired by a mysterious client to create an innovative e-commerce website for a new brand, “Arcanum Artefacts”. The client insists on strange, specific design elements.
Act 2: The Web Tightens
- As Alex delves into the project, bizarre occurrences start happening. The code seems to have a mind of its own, altering itself to create eerie, unnerving patterns.
- Alex discovers hidden messages in the website’s backend, hinting at a centuries-old curse linked to the artefacts being sold.
- The website begins to affect reality, with customers reporting haunting experiences after visiting the site.
Act 3: Unravelling the Curse
- Alex learns that the website is a digital conduit for an ancient entity trapped within the artefacts.
- The entity, a malevolent force, seeks to break free into the physical world using the website as its gateway.
- A race against time ensues as Alex tries to redesign the website to contain and banish the entity.
- During a climactic confrontation, Alex must use their skills to rewrite the website’s code in real-time, trapping the entity. The task is perilous, as the entity fights back through the digital realm, threatening to consume Alex’s consciousness.
- The website is transformed into a safe, user-friendly e-commerce site, with no trace of the curse.
- Alex, now respected in their field, remains wary of the thin veil between the digital and supernatural realms.
- The film explores themes of technology vs. tradition, the unseen dangers lurking in the digital world, and the human element in the face of unexplainable phenomena.
“The Web Weaver” would blend elements of traditional horror with techno-thriller, offering a fresh take on the genre that resonates with contemporary fears about the digital world’s unseen depths.
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